Last update: 2020/11/08
About Changkun Ou
It is hard to introduce oneself, and it probably means that people will describe a person who they want to establish. Individuals who are pointing themselves to sign is trying to map their lifestyle to the public, all of them are mental models. Until now, I’m still seeking the most difficult philosophical problem “WHO I AM.” From my side, I am going to list something basic and let them broaden your imagination and horizon, which could help you to know a better me.
- Legal name: Ou Changkun (Chinese: 欧长坤)
- He/Him
- Live in München
- Email: hi [at]
- Resume: Link
- 1993, born.
- 2000, got a Window 98 computer.
- 2003, registered Tencent QQ.
- 2008, registered Baidu Tieba, participated in Jihe Ba(几何吧), Shuxue Ba(数学吧) longqi2008 Ba (longqi2008吧), etc., still in charge of Shuxue Ba.
- 2009, learned the entire high school math knowledge and started to learn Mathematic Analysis, Algebra, Number Theory.
- 2010, influenced by a classmate and learned few programming skill, such as E-lang(易语言), C, C++.
- 2012,passed Gaokao (University Entrance Examination), enrolled for Southwest University for Nationalities, major in Computer Science.
- 2015,came to Germany for learning Human-Computer Interaction(HCI) as an exchange student; Postgraduate recommendation to University of Electronics Science and Technology of China (UESTC).
- 2016,graduate as a Bachelor of Engineering. Enrolled at LMU München for Master in HCI.
- 2018, enrolled at LMU München for Master in Computer Science, parallel degree with HCI.
- 2019, graduate as a Master of Science in two parallel degree of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Science. Starting a position of research assistant as Ph.D student at LMU München.
- 2020, founded the initiative.
Personal Tags
Programmer, Coder, Geek, iFan, Reading, Movie, American/Enlish/Japanese/Korean drama, Writing, Ride, Photograph, Obsession, Perfectionism, Time management, Agile, Otaku, C/C++, Go, Python, HTML/CSS/JS, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Statistic Learning Theory, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Number Thory, Functional Analysis, and more!
Q: 你为什么叫欧龙崎?为什么现在改用真名了? Q: Why you called yourself Euryugasaki? And why did you decide to switch to your legal name on the Internet?
A:这是因为我最喜欢的一部动漫《死亡笔记》的主角之一的假名叫龙崎,当时百度ID还不能取中文,所以一开始我注册的百度ID就想取为:longqi,后来发现longqi已经被注册了,我就加了一个注册年份,帐号就成了longqi2008。后来在百度贴吧里面和一些网友讨论的时候他们总是叫我longqi,后来觉得挺别扭,就随便取了一个中文名:欧龙崎。我的 Family Name 加龙崎二字。久而久之,也就习惯了。至于为什么改用真名的原因在于「欧龙崎」这个名字的英文略显疲态,与此同时我的域名也进行了更换,索性直接使用真名。
A: It’s complicated, basically, “Eu” means “Ou (欧)"(in Chinese), and “Ryugasaki” means “Longqi (龙崎)"(in Japanese, from a comic named Death Note). So, put them together. The reason for the switch to real name is because “Euryugasaki” is pretty hard to remember for English speakers, besides, my site domain already switched to (now at
Q: 你现在在哪儿? Q: Where are you now?
A: 我现在居住在慕尼黑,作为一名研究员在慕尼黑大学工作,着手攻读我的人机交互博士学位,研究方向是几何处理。
A: I live in Munich and work as a research assistant and Ph.D. student at LMU München. My research interests are in computer graphics in geometry processing.
Q: 为什么你会读计算机/人机交互专业?看起来你更喜欢数学一些? Q: Why you choose Computer Science / Human-computer Interaction? It seems that you like mathematics much more than CS/HCI?
A: 其实这是家庭因素决定的,直到高考填志愿的当天我还铁了心要填数学与应用数学专业,不过在父亲的劝说之下选了计算机科学与技术专业。至于为什么填了计算机专业,这有两方面的因素,其中一个因素是父亲是搞影视制作生意的,我很小就接触到一些电脑知识。还有一个比较重要的因素是受到高中同学补子畅的影响,他很早就接触了计算机编程,受他的影响我稍微了解了一点易语言和 C 语言。所以后来在父亲的劝说之下没有将数学与应用数学专业作为第一志愿填报,最后被西南民族大学计算机科学专业录取。后来本科阶段接触了大量计算机领域的分支,接触最多的是机器。我发现机器比人总是可靠的多,人的未知性更多,只有技术是不够的,所以我现在对人的行为,而人机交互是一个介于机器和人之间的学科,但更关注人,不仅能提高我的技术水平,也能提高对产品设计的理解,作为一项终身技能发展,所以我选择了人机交互。
A: Indeed, I love mathematics much more than CS/HCI. However, My father said that I will never get a job if I choose math. For now, CS is my profession, and mathematics is just my hobby. Human-Computer Interaction more focusing on human beings. Since I already explored the most important topics in CS when I was a bachelor student and thus I would like to concern humans rather than machines in my Master’s study.
Q: 从你的 CV 来看,竟然有三个硕士学位? Q: Why you have three Master degree accroding to your CV?
A:这个就说来话长了。其实我只有两个,UESTC 的 Master 我确实注册了,但是由于去德国读 Master 的缘故,UESTC 并没有继续读完;而在德国的慕尼黑大学我注册了两个 Master 学位,一个是人机交互,另一个就是计算机科学。现在我已经以这两个学位的身份毕业了。
A: It is a long story. I registered at UESTC. However, I didn’t finish it since I come to Germany for other master’s degrees. At LMU, I registered HCI and Computer Science in parallel, they are my official Master’s degrees.
Q: 你主要的研究领域是什么? Q: What’s your research fields?
A:其实我感兴趣的东西很多,整个本科期间几乎接触了所有的计算机科学领域,这里面我最喜欢的一些领域包括有计算机视觉、机器学习、人机交互等等。大一和大三我花了很多时间来研究这些领域,做过很多相关项目。正如上一个问题提到的那样,我还喜欢数学,我喜欢研究代数,大二时曾花了一个学期研究过黎曼假设,当然最后由于课业繁忙只好无果而终。我的硕士阶段以人机交互方向的身份学习了非常多关于产品的知识,但我现在的决定是在三十岁之前专注技术和产品,以计算机科学方向的身份进一步实践了机器学习和统计学习理论相关的知识。目前我作为一名博士研究员在慕尼黑大学工作,研究方向是 3D 模型的压缩。
A: Well, I have a large set of interests since I established some tiny connection with almost all areas of computer science, such as computer vision, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. In the first and third year of my university time, I took loads of time to explore and research in these areas, and also did many projects. As I said, I love mathematics, especially algebra. Thus the second year of university study, I took almost a semester of study in Riemann Hypothesis, however, of course, I have to give up on it due to my busy bachelor study. In my Master’s study, I’m assiduously for my HCI and CS master degrees at LMU Munich, and now I am a research assistant as Ph.D. student working at LMU Munich.